
LA-Based Coverage Comments/Highlights

 “…An excellent job of creating the atmosphere of Cuba, and the tensions happening politically and personally around the characters.” 


“In their introductions, you do an amazing job of setting up characters. With Antonio, in particular, his dashing, yet not egotistical manner is well communicated. Without even needing to say it, we understand that he will be the hero of our story.” 

“The romantic tension between Antonio and Isabel hits all the right notes in terms of building a relationship.” 

“Antonio has an inherent charm that is presented in a way that allows the audience to actually experience it, rather than simply be told it The status his crewmates give to his whistling, and the reverence the Captain holds for him, provide two great examples of this in action.” 

 “Your show is beautifully paced. You have a wonderful sense of when to jump onto new lines to suggest a change in visual perspective, or an emphasis on the information being presented. Due to this, it is easy to stay immersed in most areas of the script. 


“The dialogue is crisp, establishing plot and character without revealing too much. Each character speaks in a way that gives them a voice.” 

Marketability: “Adventure stories with a theme of injustice and revenge will never go out of style, and this is a well-done example of those.” 

Script: Consider 

Note: All quotations above attributed to: WeScreenplay.com



More L.A.-based Coverage Comments


“Exile presents a compelling story with a rich world and cast of characters that keeps the reader engaged and hungry to watch where the story leads. “

“The plot of the piece functions well in that it is effectively suspenseful, offering cliffhangers at pivotal moments, establishing a clear world that teases and book-ends a single A-story.” 

The last act of the piece is particularly effective in solidifying the tone of the series.” 

“The pacing of the piece is generally quite fast. Act breaks are effective; offering suspenseful culminations.” 

Writing Skills: “The author demonstrates clear skill in terms of narrative construction. The author’s skill in prose tends to shine in longer, descriptive passages. “ 

Script: Consider

Writer: Consider

Note: All quotations above attributed to: ScriptXpert.com